Thursday, 22 February 2018

The Girl in the Spiders Web

The Girl in the Spiders Web


When I found out that someone, David Lagercrantz had penned a sequel to Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy that provided enough of a stimulus to do what I had been planning to do, to read the trilogy again.

Being incapacitated meant that I could read all four books in less than a week. My grandfather read The Count of Monte Cristo every week, he never owned a copy but used to renew it each week at the Library, if someone else had reserved it, he wouldn’t bother with anything else but he would just wait for it to come back in. Why I mention that is because Monte Cristo has always been seen as the quintessential “revenge” story, my belief is that the Girl in the Spiders Web trilogy is the modern equivalent.

Though I was re-reading the first three I still couldn’t put them down, rooting for Lizabeth to be victorious and for all the evil doers to get their Just Deserts. It is always difficult when someone else picks up the story from such a successful series. Especially as the original was so well written, but I think this one is a success. It was always going to be difficult as the story had reached a successful conclusion but I think this though not entirely seamless addition is compelling. A friend was disappointed, my only complaint was that I thought the ending rushed, but I thought that of Hornet’s Nest.

Anyone new to Millennium I recommend it and I recommend reading the four in order.     

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