Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Elly Griffiths - The Outcast Dead - #ellygriffiths



The first time I have read one of her books, though there is a detective, a murder and missing children I would not class this as a detective novel. Not that fans of detective novels wouldn’t enjoy it. It seems to be a bit of a catalogue of relationships that seem modern. The archaeologist has a daughter to the Policeman who still lives with his wife and children but seems obsessive  about his daughter and interferes constantly, the archaeologist still has a crush (to me an irrational crush) on the detective. Another detective has a child fathered by a hippy friend of the archaeologist who has an older daughter who wants to get involved with the hunt for the kidnappers.

All this going on as well as a televised dig examining a convicted, but probably innocent, child murderer, involving a good looking American historian. It is a long time since I lived in Norfolk but I doubt if the roads have improved to make the distances between the scenes of action as short as they appear.

All said I will put Elly on my list of authors to read even though I took a dislike to DCI Harry Nelson who I thought had no redeeming traits whatsoever.   

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