Sunday, 3 December 2017

Spenborough Cripples' League - A Brief Record 1911 to 1948

Spenborough Cripples' League - A Brief Record 1911 to 1948

Not the usual review, a little 16 page pamphlet recording the activities of local volunteers before the advent of the NHS. I don't know how many of these booklets survive or if this history is recorded anywhere else. The story needs telling.

I did wonder about using the word Cripple, but this is History and the story is about the "Cripples League"

The story started in 1911 in the year of the coronation of King George. During the celebrations and merrymaking arranged for the young and old, rich and poor it was realised that there was nothing for the many cripples in the district. A gift of 5/- was made to each of them as a memento of the occasion.

From this beginning the League was formed and continued right up to the formation of the NHS in 1948.

The booklet records many landmarks such as the opening of a clinic in 1924, some of the entries are listed below.

1915 Work carried out quietly during the war and 20 more patients added to the list.

1920 The committee asked Spenborough Council for a grant but were turned down.

1926 Second Sun-ray apparatus installed.

1933 Committee appointed third Masseuse to cope with extra work.

1938 A record number of plaster casts made for the correction of deformities.

1941 Praised for the remedy of "rickets"

1947 The Ministry of Health definitely informs us that we shall be taken over by them on July 5th 1948, and the Regional Hospital Board will then be in control.

Much of the booklet records fund raising events and the work of the volunteers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I wonder if this booklet is still available to buy?


